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3 red flags to check when choosing a tipster

Being a tipster can mean big money for those who are in the know, and can attract a healthy client base. Unfortunately, as with anything where there is the potential to earn, scammers are attracted. These scammers will offer their tips, pocket your money, and leave you at a loss. They are indifferent as to how their clients may feel as they always have someone else that they can target and, ultimately, rip off. 

The thought of signing up with a tipster can be more than just a little appealing: a chance to place a bet based on expert information and an increased chance of winning. However appealing this may be, in the early days, it is not always easy to know what to look for in a tipster: who is genuine and who is a scam? It's safe and easy to place a bet over at, but if you are wanting to use the services of a tipster, here are 3 warning signs that they are not perhaps all they claim to be: 

1) They offer you the chance to bet on fixed matches

It's a sad state of affairs, but yes it is probably true that fixed matches do take place. However, if a tipster claims to have inside knowledge on such events and tries to entice you, it is more than likely a scam and one of the first red flags to be on the lookout for. Let's be honest, if a tipster had such inside information then they would wager a large amount themselves rather than trying to profit by selling on the tip.

So how do these people operate and keep taking money from unsuspecting pundits? If 300 people pay for the tip, 100 will be told one team will one, 100 will be told it will be a draw, while the remaining 100 will be told that the other team will win. Whatever the outcome, 100 people are convinced that it was a hot tip. If you're looking for gambling that can't be fixed, then slots are known to be a safe bet and can be found over at

2) The tipster is seeking a one-off payment

Genuine tipsters aren't on the lookout for a quick buck made from one correct tip. Legitimate tipsters have earned themselves a good reputation based on a history of results. To allow access to their information and tips, they will usually have a subscription service where pundits pay weekly or monthly to receive tips.

Those seeking a one-off payment have no care about building a reputation. They will take your money, and then regardless of the outcome, they will disappear from the face of the earth. They may well return later under another guise to run the whole scam again, but legitimate tipsters have a business model that shows that they are here for the long-term.

3) They only show historical 'proof'

It's far too easy, in this day and age, to cobble a website together and to look like a serious business. A red flag on a tipster website would be their attempt to show their success simply by posting old results. It is very easy to watch an event today, and then to post on a website tomorrow how you successfully predicted the outcome.

A legitimate tipster will provide occasional tips and predictions on their websites in advance of an event. This is to build trust in them as they show you what they are capable of.

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