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What are your long term goals while playing poker

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I know many of you play poker but what are your longterm poker goals ?

Is it about money ?

Is it about status ?

Is it about winning certain poker events ?

Please tell a little about your goals in poker.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 2120
ixgames wrote:

I know many of you play poker but what are your longterm poker goals ?

Is it about money ?

Is it about status ?

Is it about winning certain poker events ?

Please tell a little about your goals in poker.

For me it's relaxing, and of course I can make some money to.
Join: 2006/12/11 Messages: 1758
ixgames wrote:

I know many of you play poker but what are your longterm poker goals ?

Is it about money ?

Is it about status ?

Is it about winning certain poker events ?

Please tell a little about your goals in poker.

One thing is sure it's not about the money (anymore) 😁
Join: 2007/02/24 Messages: 1205
ixgames wrote:

I know many of you play poker but what are your longterm poker goals ?

Is it about money ?

Is it about status ?

Is it about winning certain poker events ?

Please tell a little about your goals in poker.


It's a combination of several things: adrenalinpushing on-the-edge-moments, playing with humans, the possibility to try new ways to win a game and - of course - the delicious moment, when my enemy shows two pair before he runs into my slow played full house 😁

Join: 2008/12/07 Messages: 8
Nicsmix wrote:


It's a combination of several things: adrenalinpushing on-the-edge-moments, playing with humans, the possibility to try new ways to win a game and - of course - the delicious moment, when my enemy shows two pair before he runs into my slow played full house 😁



It's a combination of several things: adrenalinpushing on-the-edge-moments, playing with humans, the possibility to try new ways to win a game and - of course - the delicious moment, when my enemy shows two pair before he runs into my slow played full house 😁


adrenalinepushing? nice point. I get so excite and sometimes I can't barely hide my feelings when I have a very nice card especially when my opponents thought that I was bluffing but I'm not... hehe 😉
Join: 2008/12/04 Messages: 43
ixgames wrote:

I know many of you play poker but what are your longterm poker goals ?

Is it about money ?

Is it about status ?

Is it about winning certain poker events ?

Please tell a little about your goals in poker.

All of the above! lol....The best is when I'll have won more than my son in law. That's yet to come. He introduced me to Holdem. I thank him for that as the game is a great fun and a way to relax.
Join: 2008/11/01 Messages: 48

I have been really thinking about my goals lately in poker, i am currently building my live cash mtt bankroll. my online roll is being built off of freerolls with a few cash mtt's and sng's. i desire the stats to earn a buy in to a big game, on all sites. at this moment i have a bankroll on 4 sites and hope to keep online bankrolls at the same level as my live bankroll. challenging but attainalble.
Join: 2008/12/24 Messages: 27