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Turkey - Scotland
11/16 17:00
Added 2022/11/16 12:07 | 0 thanks
- Yes: 25.0%
- No: 0.0%
- No Opinions: 75.0%
- Voted: 4
Pick: Scotland corners over 3.5 @1.850 8/10 +6.80
Friendly game, Turkey vs Scotland. The Scots play typical British football, where they attack on the wings with full-backs linking up and attacks usually end with a ball in the penalty area. Therefore, it is easy to collect large numbers from corners: in 9 matches, the Scots average. earns after 6.4 angle. Since the friendly meeting, I hope they won't sit down, have closed in defense, and the Scots themselves will not rotate players much, by releasing the second or third formation and the 4 corners, the Scots will gather easily.
18+ | T&C Apply | Play Responsibly
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